After earning two college degrees, the author accepted the position of area biologist in Rockford, Alabama, the county seat of rural Coosa County. Little did he know he was embarking on a roller coaster ride of a wildlife law enforcement career where for over 30 years he would experience the thrills of the chase and the chills of the capture. With the county population of 10,000 and one traffic light, the landscape was rich in wildlife and violators. While his primary job was that of a wildlife biologist, he spent countless hours pursuing wildlife poachers as a conservation enforcement officer. Although having never really worked with a "biologist" before, the veteran county game wardens showed him the tricks of the trade. Literally working day and night, with fellow officers and alone, he amassed an impressive list of arrests. While the biologist work was fulfilling, the law enforcement was captivating. Six days into the job he made his first night hunting arrests and was hooked. Come along for a wild ride covering hunting, fishing, faith and small-town law enforcement. A ride survived by the grace of God!