2The power of prayer is never stronger than in the heart of a stepmom. Faced with overwhelming odds and impossible situations, she seeks comfort and wisdom, courage and solace, and she finds it in the Lord God. She sees tough challenges all around, but she sees her Lord always closer, always holding her tight, helping her build the life she wants. This Book of Prayer will guide you, Stepmom, through your fears and doubts, help you deal with anger and despair, strengthen you with honesty and understanding, and connect you with the joy and gratitude that is a part of your life despite all interferences. You'll find here the safe return to the sacred place the Lord provides, so that you can be the stepmom you want to be and the daughter of God you were born to be. A stepmom needs a warm hug every day, and it's here in these pages. Start your journey of strength and peace here, today. You're not alone. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. (1 Peter 3:9)