4Often working as a counterfeit to the Holy Spirit, the religious spirit is the greatest threat we face to personal, family, territorial, national and global revival. It is one of the enemy's most trustworthy cohorts in derailing Christians from God's path holding them down in mindsets of complacency, legalism, control, pride and hypocrisy. The religious spirit can steal your joy, quench your gifts, silence your voice and destroy your relationships. Despite all this, Christians tend to underestimate or misunderstand the pervasive damage this spirit can cause both in the Church and their own lives - mainly because, until recently, in-depth teaching has been hard to come by. This book will help you recognize the warning signs of a religious spirit at work and provide the tools you need to defeat it within yourself and to help others walk in enduring freedom. If you are ready to conquer the enemy's work against your life and are eager to experience new joy and freedom in your Christian walk, this book is for you!