an inspiring resource for anyong seeking to gain a spiritual perspective on life and death, whether they are grieving, caring for a loved one who has a life-threatening illness, or facing the prospect of death themselves. This collection of writings, compiles by a long-time hospice counselor and transformational healer, assists us in viewing the experience of death as one of beauty, sacredness, and transformation. Encompassing a wide range of religious and spiritual suggestions, inspirational stories, resources, poetry and prayers, Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund's compassionately written and loving words provide a comforting and enlightening treasury of hope and healing. Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi has said this about Maria's book: "Maria Dancing Heart is a great help to open us to come to terms with our mortality and at the same time she helps remove the sting from Death. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross once had a patient who said to her 'I want to live through my dying.' Anyone who shares that sentiment will find THE LAST ADVENTURE OF LIFE a way to expand their consciousness and to prepare for that moment."