Our body needs more than a hot bath, a massage, a walk, and a workout.
Part instruction, part contemplation, part practice companion, this beautiful and lucid guide from Dunya Dianne McPherson, choreographer/dancer, Shattari Sufi adept, pioneer in embodied mysticism, and Founder of Dancemeditation(TM), helps us embrace our body as an intimate, safe home and a realm of wonderment. The Dancemeditations-deceptively simple-are potent allies which unwind the tensions and treacheries we all carry in our flesh, and offer a way of moving to wake inside our being.
Rather than working out, we work in. By experiencing the body ever more gently and deeply and subtly, winning its trust, our body flowers from inside its own intelligence. Our body becomes a communion. Our body becomes a poem.
This is dance as a passage to the Beyond...to the Mystery...to the non-ordinary within, which is essential not only to a fulfilled life but to the most basic life.
Dance is a wind blowing through the cells, a river carving the body into curves and cadence. We swim unaware in an ocean of space until one day, dancing, we wake up drenched.
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