To many, it feels like a new world of identities and pronouns out there.
This field guide is a resource for organizations, families and allies that want to incorporate gender-inclusive practices into their daily lives. It explains - in simple terms - basic gender-expansive vocabulary and includes recommended approaches that recognize, respect and honor the individuality of every human being in our changing world.
This guide shares concfrete, practical suggestions, inlcuding:
● Methods for incorporating gender-inclusive language into everyday life
● Examples for inclusion of gender nonbinary people in policy creation
● Suggestions for embracing verbiage to use and include in business, families and life
● Explanations on the differences in biological sex, gender identity, sexual
orientation and gender expression
● Why one's personal pronouns have a big impact and how to use them appropriately
Shelley Roth, the author, is a non-binary person that has enjoyed success in a broad range of professions, including a successful technology sales career, a school administrator-guidance counselor, social media consultant & trainer, and nonfiction author, Shelley offers a uniques perspective on the positive effects of conscientious inclusion. Whether you are welcoming a gender-expansive employee into the corporate culture by forming incluisve policies or embracing the diversity of a family member as a show of love, support and acceptance, the author's wish is that this work will serve to guide those efforts and assist in the evolution of a more loving and nururing planet.