t of life's journey. At one time we will need to midwife someone we love through their grief; at another time we will need to be held in ours - each taking turns loving, grieving, and holding each other along the way. We learn to do this by doing it. Being There for Someone in Grief is written for those who grieve and those who wish to walk beside someone who is grieving in a way that is welcomed, helpful, respectful, and kind. In the pages of this book, you will learn how to be present for another in the unpredictability that death brings. Through storytelling, it offers a general map of the landscape you will journey as you learn how to gaze into the face of suffering without running away. You will become skilled at being present for yourself, noticing your own fears and losses while being available to another. The stories offered here will assure you that we are all on a journey from birth to death and that the person you love who is grieving will return from their dark night, although both of you may be changed. This book will help you learn to stay, even when it's hard. And if you should decide to be there authentically and intimately for someone who's grieving, a remarkable thing can happen - love can heal grief's wound.