What is "50 Japanese Whiskies?" It is a review guide, databank, reference book, and travel guide that you can read cover-to-cover and find interesting stories in. Every whisky has a story. Sometimes these stories are about events the author Marc Antomattei experienced with a whisky or a story about a particular whisky's history.
Usually, with books of this nature, you get the typical short, bullet-point specifications. And frequently, the whiskies being reviewed are unaffordable and unobtainable. Here you are presented with a real guide for real people. And in addition to the core, 50 Japanese whiskies reviewed, for supplemental material, there's a travel guide showcasing Japan's best distilleries and bars.
When it comes to this book, it's genuinely "the Steve Jobs experience." Having come from a sole visionary to avoid the case of too many hands in the pot. This is the way a whisky book should be.