"From Fort To Fort" might have been the title of this book, since my story begins in Fort Worth, TX and ends in Fort Wayne, IN.
During those years, I have been surrounded by people of Faith, young and old. In Ft Worth, before I went to Australia, I was the Jr Youth Director, as well as the church secretary at my home congregation, St. Paul Lutheran Church.
In Australia, I taught art, grades one through 10 in our Lutheran schools.
Upon return to the States, I was secretary to Dr. Charles Evanson for three years, for Dr. Eugene Bunkowske for a year, served in acquisitions in the seminary library, resettled refugees with Catholic Charities, and taught English as a second language to Laotians.
At Ascension Lutheran Church in Ft Wayne, I was first a teacher's aide at the preschool, followed by ten years in the capacity of full-time church/ school secretary under Dr. John Stube.
These activities placed me in a position to appreciate the points of view of clergy as well as laity.
Oh, yes, I was also the wife of a busy pastor/professor, mother to five great kids, foster mom to two teenage boys in Australia, and at last count, between Bob and me, I am grandmother to 31 children!
To God be the Glory!