From the introduction:
The idea for this book came from the realization that many women are suffering from some degree of postpartum depression and that very few will find access to supportive care while going through it. Some of our own mothers are only now feeling safe enough to talk about their experiences and describe how alone and crazy they felt. The material in this book is based on over thirty years of counselling thousands of women with postpartum depression. These women have willingly shared their experiences with each other, and together they have explored what has helped them. It is their knowledge, wisdom, courage and generosity that has made this book possible. Emphasis has been put on those common threads which run through the experience of postpartum depression. The term "perinatal depression" is being used to describe postpartum depression in many newer research, journals and publications. It is an umbrella term that better reflects the fact that symptoms can begin during pregnancy as well as postpartum. In this book we refer to "postpartum depression", which fits under the more general category of "perinatal" symptoms. As you read, keep in mind that you are going to survive this. However hopeless you may feel, try to remember that it will end. Women grow and change as they cope with their depression. After it is all over, many women say they are glad they went through the experience. As one woman said, "I never thought I'd get through it but I did and I feel great. I know much more about myself. Now I enjoy my baby and I feel peaceful."
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