STRAIGHT A'S - is a fine goal if that's what you want or need, but too many students memorize facts, do well on exams, and then seem to forget everything.
What a terrible waste of time, effort and money.The goal of this book is to encourage students to
In this book, Students will discover
- What it means to Study
- Powerful Research-based Learning Strategies
- How to become a Critical Thinker
- How to Change Your Brain with Concentration
- A Flexible Time Management System
- A New Approach to Reading
- Taking Notes You'll Want to Study
- How to Write More Effectively
- Strategies for Long-lasting Memory
- How to get a GREAT Life-Changing Education
- How to Learn with you Brain Turned ON
The second edition of Straight A's Are NOT Enough is shorter, easier to read and understand, puts a greater focus on Critical Thinking, and introduces the concept of Learning With Your Brain Turned ON.
Many parents including the author have said "I wish I could have read this book when I was in school." We remember and understand the system of memorizing information, passing the test, and soon forgetting everything. We want our children to get more than that - to get a GREAT Education.
This book will be helpful for
- high school students planning to attend college or already taking college courses.
- College freshmen or other students wanting to improve their study skills.
- Learners of all ages who want to understand how to learn more effectively.
And a note to teachers: Yes there is a Teachers' Guide. If you'd like a copy, contact the author at
jjfishel (at)