Real prayer is disruptive. In contrast, our prayers are often
pedestrian and domestic. We ask God to prosper the economy,
keep us safe from injury and illness, heal the environment, help
us win the war against global terrorism, reduce overall suffering
and generally preserve the status quo. Judging from these
prayers, God is at our beck and call, like some kind of heavenly
caretaker. Such prayers are not the priority to be answered.
(If they were, they would do little good for ourselves or the world.)
The coming kingdom is not about maintaining the existing order;
it brings a new order altogether. True prayer reverses our
position, brings us to our knees, and places us in God's service.
When God hears and answers these prayers with wonders and
blessings, it will disrupt our present way of life. In answer to
prayers of faith, God's kingdom comes in storm wind and fire --
removing the old to make way for the new