Polarity's roots in Osteopathy and Chiropractic are nowhere more evident than in the structural work that Dr. Randolph Stone included in his system of healing. Polarity's structural work is uniquely effective due to the added component of energetic interaction. The author reviews the history of manual medicine and the importance of always addressing the parts in relation to the whole, and introduces new perspectives to Stone's original work by exploring structure as identity, relationship and history. This new edition is of immense value to all Polarity Therapists who seek a deeper understanding of the relationship of energy, structure and function.
Phil Young PTP is a master practitioner and teacher of Polarity Therapy. He is co-founder of Masterworks International, a training consultancy now based in Ireland. Phil has been running trainings worldwide since 1986. He is a former President of the American Polarity Therapy Association and a co-founder of the International Polarity Education Alliance.