It's moving day. After a long morning of chores and unpacking, Jorge and his family -- brother, sisters, mom and dad, and grandparents -- have eaten a quick lunch, then gone back to emptying boxes. Soon Jorge is ready for a cookie break. But where is the cookie jar? Jorge sets out to find this family treasure, and the cookies he hopes it contains. Checking with family members one by one, he conducts a thorough search of the new house. Jorge finally finds the cookie jar and discovers how it got to its surprising location. The story ends joyously -- with cookies!
This story contains14 Spanish words and short phrases, which appear in blue. For help pronouncing them, or understanding what they mean, a "Glossary" is provided following the story. Also at the back of the book is a "map" -- children will enjoy retracing Jorge's journey through the house as he searched for the cookie jar.