This book was written at the request of my oldest child who wanted to know about my life as a child. It is written in two parts. The early years began with my birth and the second part was written after my son died.
I have included pictures and some samples of my writing over the years. A whole lot of soul searching and tears have gone into this project while reliving the emotional ups and downs of life. Through it all, I have realized that God has always been working in me and without Him, I would have never survived and been able to turn my tests into testimonies.
Bernie Carroll Hambrice has been honored with many awards and newspaper & television interviews. She began believing in her own self and thinking how good she was. Being a mother of 5 children, a special needs foster child, and then adopting another child was so fulfilling, but she failed to attain one of her goals and was let down. Then she realized the absurdity of her thinking and understood that if it had not been for God being ever present, none of these things would have been possible.
"I Just hope that something, somewhere in this book shows my love for my God and gives readers an understanding of what He means to me."