There are just a few moments that shape the course of our lives. They are the moments that take you away from the everyday routine and open the doors of your future with their impact. For Peg, it was the moment she knew she could retire and leave a legacy to her alma mater; she knew her net worth and where her future income was coming from. For Boots and Annie, it came privately when the doctor became concerned about Boots's health; Boots decided to exercise, but it wasn't enough. As you read through the humor, joys, and sorrows of Jay and Bonnie, Cortni, Tim, and others, you will find they did not have a defined path when the moment came, and it changed their lives. The only answer they had was yes. Yes, I will go on; yes, I will plan. But how do I do this?
The EIEIO Financial Planning Method shaped a plan for their future. It can help you to find the "Yes! I can make a plan!" By investing in yourself through your defining moments and going through this simple process, you can take control of your future and develop your own personal financial plan. Happy planning!
An innovative, experienced financial adviser, Darcy R. Yocum, IAR, has developed financial plans and managed investments for almost 20 years, working with clients in multiple states. She wants you to be aware that when you plan, you will be able to mitigate risks, but there is always a possibility of risk of loss when investing in security products.