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This book is your comprehensive workbook for 7th Grade Common Core Math.
By practicing and mastering this entire workbook, your child will become very familiar and comfortable with the state math exam and common core standards. This 7th Grade Common Core Math Workbook (Free Response) includes:
- 20 Weeks of Daily Multiple Choice Practice
- Weekly Assessments
- State Aligned Common Core Curriculum
- End of Year Assessment
For practice with Multiple Choice questions, be sure to check out Part I of our workbook titled:
Common Core Math Workbook, Grade 7: Multiple Choice, Everyday Practice (7th Grade)Each question is labeled with the specific common core standard so both parents and teachers can use this workbook for their student(s). This workbook takes the Common Core State Standards and divides them up among 20 weeks. By working on these problems on a daily basis, students will be able to (1) find any deficiencies in their understanding and/or practice of math and (2) have small successes each day that will build competence and confidence in their abilities.