acy is a powerful and practical book-and-workbook to help you and your partner navigate your marriage, whether you are just starting out or have been married for years. You don't have to be married very long before you realize, wow, can I really do this? Much less, work through every challenge, even the ones of deepest betrayal. Your personal relationship with Jesus is imperative to this marital journey. This relationship is not a Sunday church, religion checklist, or biblical knowledge kind of thing. Personal relationship comes from sitting with Jesus and living heart to heart with Him.
Daily Habits of Marital Intimacy shows you how to invite Jesus into your marital journey, as it takes you through your own personal history, expectations, and desires. Every chapter provides models and exercises to help you better know yourself and your partner, always keeping Jesus at the center of your marriage. It is my prayer that this book-and-workbook will help your marriage be blessed with the height, depth, breadth, and length of God's love, and that beyond what you could ever ask or imagine, you will experience the fullness of what God desires for your marriage.