Aubergine White, a talented ballerina and a self-professed mean girl, who enjoys all the advantages of being a gorgeous, rich girl at her elite New York City private school, seems to have it all-until her parents get fed up with the hustle of city life and whisk her a thousand miles away to homestead off-grid in Montana.
Soon after her exile from upscale fashion boutiques and classical theatre, Abs learns she needs career-ending ankle surgery, which leaves her completely devastated. Worse yet, she receives no empathy or guidance from her parents as her father is preoccupied with the on-going care of her mother's mental health.
Aubergine's life changes for the better when she befriends her neighbor, Fulton. Fulton was the biggest dork at her old school, but now that she is forced to spend time with him, she finds him to be kind and patient, and most importantly, he shows her the compassion she had been missing. However, just when she starts to trust him, a new wound is opened when Fulton finds a way to move back to New York. She becomes determined to get a one-way ticket back to the city, and she is holding on to the hope that her old life-and her former boy next door-will be waiting for her when she gets there.