Five Senses! This
sense-ational book takes readers to Ancient Greece, where they meet Aristotle and learn the anatomy behind the Five Senses.
Through an artful combination of hands-on learning, storytelling, world cultures, and activities, your kids will start their journey of self-discovery and understanding what they are made of.
Inside Adventure 1, you will find five senses activities for kids that include experiments, crafts, comics, word games, recipes, and more!
Teaches young learners about their Five Senses through a multidisciplinary approach integrating literacy, science, social studies, health/wellness, art and more!
- 121 pages of hands-on learning for hours of discovery and fun!
- A variety of activities that inspire curiosity from the inside out.
- Includes the comic: Time Skaters Adventure 1: Fangs of Philosophy
Fun Facts about your Five Senses:
- Your brain plays a major role in how you see, hear, touch, taste and feel.
- Your taste buds become less sensitive as you get older. If a child doesn't like certain foods when they're little, they may like them more as they get older.
- Because smell, memory, and emotions are powerfully linked, certain smell memories can affect us positively. Think back to the last time you and your family all had a good time together and any smell that reminds you of that memory.
- Our curriculum gives young learners the building blocks necessary to start their unique journey of self-discovery: an understanding of human anatomy. Learning about the body and mind at a young age sets the foundation for making healthy decisions about one's body, developing self-esteem and confidence, and begins the discovery of who we are meant to be in this world.
- An award-winning workbook series that teaches human anatomy for kids which can be integrated in a variety of learning environments and with children of all ages and abilities.
- Representation matters! Developed by a culturally diverse team of educators, parents, community advisors, and medical professionals, our products are known for being highly engaging to children of many backgrounds, learning styles, and interests.