Constantly People-pleasing and seeking the approval of others takes a lot of energy. Silently enduring the ongoing and relentless invalidation of who you are and what you want will reliably wreak havoc on your health and the health of your relationships. "Not Enough You" is a guided journal filled with research-based ideas designed to help you manage anxiety, nurture your values and goals, and start making real changes in your life and relationships. By finally taking the time to focus on yourself, you can open the door to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes YOU in it.
This reflective journal is filled with thought-provoking quotes, questions to think about, and activities that inspire a new perspective. Through the process of completing the journal exercises, you can identify unhelpful patterns and make life-changing adjustments. It's time to commit to happiness by committing to bringing out the best in YOU.