f trouble! In this self-help book he clearly, concisely, and repeatedly explains why it is important that every individual appoint an executor of their estate; what it means to be an executor of an estate; and how having a knowledgeable and responsible executor can help ensure a family's wealth, welfare, health, and future happiness.
The book is filled with advice, tips, and many real-life examples demonstrating what can go wrong (and what can go right), depending on whether or not families plan accordingly in advance, communicate clearly with one another, and are willing to put petty and selfish differences aside.
No one likes talking about death and inheritances before they absolutely have to, but as Edey learned from personal experience, having these conversations earlier, rather than later, will save a lot of time and money, alleviate a ton of stress and ill feeling, and ensure that the deceased's wishes are properly and efficiently carried out.