1Tony Crypt and Paul Elliott are brilliant, poverty-stricken teenagers living in the Bronx at the helm of the Second World War. As they grow up in a swelling wake of loss, a tunnelled path of engulfing research paves their way forward: they gain insight into the trajectories of souls and memories when someone dies. As Tony and Paul desperately deepen their understanding of the composition and malleability of these trajectories, their research falls into the wrong hands - a fearful government, frantic for the ability to sift through and control a tainted past and the path of knowledge. As Tony and Paul battle with an arrested ability to alter the outcome of their actions, two talented young people with arduous pasts are accosting the barriers of time and circumstance, connecting each line between Tony, Paul, their research, and the hands it should be left in.
A swirling of the boundaries of neuroscience, astrophysics, and poetry, The Sifting Project characterizes the biological path of love, trust, loss, control, and legacy within the memories of time.
The Sifting Project teaches tensions like non-fiction, illustrates experiences and observations like a memoir, and loves like that one story you'll never forget. It's the excuse you need to read fiction and forget that work exists.
This story will remind you that the essence of who you are - your memories, experiences, and truths - is what makes you irreplaceable in the narrative of change. When you do the work to listen to yourself and others, you can lift both history and the future.
You are The Sifting Project of today. Be the voice of the truth.