3Shades of Betrayal follows the fortunes of a compelling cast of characters in Poland, Germany, France, and England. Starting in peacetime, the saga unfolds over the six-year nightmare that ensues after Hitler invades Poland. From the underground soldiers of the Home Army, who surreptitiously defy Hitler in Poland; to the fighters of the French Resistance; to the daring pilots of the RAF; to the dauntless women who engage on countless fronts, these complex people cling to their dreams and yearn for love in the midst of horror.
But the evil forces arrayed against them warp their lives, break their hearts, and smash their hopes as one betrayal after the next mounts in all their lives, leading to the ultimate treachery of Poland's delivery to Stalin's dictatorship at the war's end.
Told from a shifting array of fascinating, disparate perspectives, Shades of Betrayal offers a unique view of World War II that deeply explores the personal impact of war and explores the power and beauty of the human spirit and its capacity for love, hope, and healing.