4Google Classroom 101 Ideas how effectively use Google Classroom in 2019. Everything You Need to Know about It.Whаt іѕ Gооglе Clаѕѕrооm Google Classroom is an online service for creating educational resources, or in other words, classes. This is done so that teachers can give assignments to students and evaluate their work, as well as make various informational announcements. Classroom provides quick integration with other services such as Gmail, Disk and Dock, which also belong to the package of free Google Apps for Education services.The classroom was created as another Google service that can be used for education, as well as the already known Gmail, Docs and Drive. But although at the moment there are many solutions for optimizing classroom work in Google Drive, Google Classroom is ready to provide users with a universal solution for work by combining fast integration with Google Drive, a user-friendly interface and new opportunities, so necessary for teachers.If you are a teacher or student, then our book is for you. From it you will learn how to work effectively with this service.With Google Classroom, you can do so much, and in this book, you will learn of the following: :
- What it is
- How it can benefit students and teachers
- Features of Google Classroom
- How to grade assignments
- How to use quizzes and assignments
- Communicating with teachers with Google Classroom
- Instructions for Creating an Online Course in Google Classroom
- Google Apps for Education
- Hоw Google Docs Cаn Hеlр Yоu Wоrk wіth Studеnts
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