This fairy tale storybook is dedicated to ancient folktales from around the world. Many of them are lost, but some have still managed to reach our era.
We travel, together, all around the world. We sink into the old tales that speak of magic we still don't fully understand. We look for answers, but - perhaps more importantly - we look for questions: for that spirit that makes us stare in reverent wonder at the world around us.
Our ancestors told of these magical creatures from generation to generation. And it is surprising how similar their habits are. Perhaps by reading some of the tales from another continent, you will find that her characters are exactly the same as in your grandmother's tales. Who knows?
And then, perhaps, you tell this story to your child.
And you will pass it on to the next generation.
And now...
Pretend you're sitting by a fire, listening to a wise, wizened storyteller begin to talk...
This retelling fairy tales book includes three volumes (about Elves, Mermaids, Dragons) from the series, "Fairy Tales From Around the World".
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