It has been said that early intervention is the best thing for children who receive an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) diagnosis. These days, there are many well-trained professional therapists who specialize in Autism therapy. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) are all valuable for individuals learning to function with ASD.
Also, as an autism parent, I am very acquainted with the strong desire to fulfill our children's wish to feel that they are an accepted part of their communities. Even though our children can accomplish so many skills by the guiding hands of therapists, the fact that they require therapy may, unfortunately, contribute to some of their insecurities.
The goal of "The Super, Magic Four" is to let all readers know that receiving therapy is a blessing. Autism therapy is something that many people do not have the privilege of experiencing, so, "The Super, Magic Four" provides a glimpse into some of the ways Autism therapists make learning fun The most special thing about Autism therapy is that each therapist is devoted to contributing their valuable skills in a very tailored way to each of their clients The relationship between therapist and client is quite super and magical
"The Super, Magic Four" was also written as a "Thank you" to all the wonderful therapists that my son and I have got to know throughout the years since my son's ASD diagnosis. We hope that all Autism therapists realize that they are extremely special people in the hearts of countless families everywhere