People are used to relatives to celebrities writing books to trash their celebrity or politician relatives. I wrote a book to trash myself for a very important purpose, to tell others to honor their fathers and mothers as I should have before it is to late. Written in large print double spaced, for easy reading and comprehension for All Americans. Private Self Insured Reparations Bond services Reparations for Women, African American, and other American customers by Retail Entity providing $80,000 legal 'leg up' for U.S.citizens 18 and above in return for rights to whatever those U.S. citizens did in 4 years with the money for retail entity to use to produce media to sell to pay back cost of Self Insured Retail Reparations Bond. Author recounts family disputes as he came up with this and asks other Americans to be kind to their parents for they are the greatest resources for young people. QUIZ at end of book that parents, teachers, youth minister, ministers, politicians, and others to use to have 'life lessons' with young people to help avoid bad decisions in life they may make.
Free Enterprise provides for reparations while the government polices the reparations, something police would do anyway with other economic or government activity leaving taxpayers off the hook, especially California government who is committed tax money to study reparations for African Americans, my program might be way they can do this without use of their tax funds, at least it can be put to their reparations committee for further study.