From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and recently named writer of the decade (poetry writer's guild of Literary Arts And Achievement) comes her greatly anticipated collection of poetry.
rupi b. kaur is constantly evolving, and in house bodies, she grabs readers by the hand and walks them through an intimate journey where you'll bask in the sun while picking her flowers in the past, taste the sweet milk of the present, and just a little bit of honey with the potential of yourself. house bodies is a collection of eye opening raw and contrite conversations with yourself - reminding you to fill up on self-love, acceptance of yourself and others, community love, family love, and embrace change with even more love - because love is all we need. illustrated by the the writer known as kaur, this is an all-inclusive safe zone for all races, sexes, and pro nouns and anything or anyone else out there looking for a sterilized and neutral book to read.
a vibrant, transcendent and heart-wrenching journey about growth and healing divided into four chapters; life, #metoo, crazy / beautiful, and tears on my pillow. each chapter serves a different purpose towards healing a different pain within us.
'they told her she needed to find a knight, when all she wanted was to find a sword.'
- rupi b. kaur