As a result of numerous client readings and sessions throughout the years, Maxine's subject matter expertise on recognizing childhood programming in the natal chart has greatly increased. Hidden Messages in your Birth Chart is not merely an updated version of Hidden Messages, but the culmination of Maxine's lengthy love affair with the inner workings of human behavior and its connection to astrology. In her book, Maxine explains how to interpret the hidden messages that were passed on to you from your mother, father and family matriarch. She also covers the powerful messages you received from the "should" and "ought to" authority figures who represent your ancestors, your heritage and your culture.
Hidden Messages in your Birth Chart will provide you with a profound new perspective on how to use your birth chart on a much deeper level. Once you recognize any undesirable subconscious patterns that may be sabotaging your happiness or success, you have the ability to liberate yourself from them and experience a newfound sense of freedom.