Shards of Time tells the story of Mita Zara, a young girl from Cebu, Philippines whose father was arrested as a political detainee and sent to Fort Bonifacio prison during the Martial Law era. As she and her siblings scattered to the four winds, the core of their family life seemed irreparably broken by a single incident. As her siblings began to drift and her family crumbled Mita found herself all alone in an uncertain world where the rules had changed and nothing would ever be the same again. Traumatized and disillusioned by life's events, she tried to run away to the ends of the earth seeking geographic fixes half a world away, vainly hoping for new beginnings to bury the past. Continually haunted by misgivings and memories, she realized things are not so easily forgotten. Discovering her childhood would follow her wherever she went, she realized she'd had fallen into a pattern of repeating her past mistakes, and she has no choice but to turn and face her demons. Shards of Time is a family saga that spells unconditional love, voicing the sentiments of despair, and most of all unlocking the heart to forgive. Its' a story of father and daughter that spans decades, marriages, and continents. Guided by dreams and intuition, Mita conquers her fears returning to the island of her birth where she finds humility, healing and redemption.