A Description of the Booklet
If you look up "limericks" in the dictionary, you'll find a definition that mentions words like "humorous", "bawdy", and "frequently funny". This form of poetry lends itself very well to short story telling. The verses are a single stanza of AABBA. The first line, second line, and fifth line all rhyme and are longer than the third and fourth lines, which are half as long and rhyme with each other.
Humor is universal. Laughter (via sarcasm, bursts of levity, and satire are the stuff that limericks are made of!) Where would we be, if we could not laugh at ourselves?
I have illustrated my limericks to boost the grins and the fun of it all. My material is drawn from a lifetime of observation. It is hard for me to take a daily walk with my wonderful wife, Rockette, and not see a limerick somewhere in the environment, screaming to be written down and illustrated!
What I have attempted in this booklet, is to bring a smile to everyone who sees and reads each and every page.
Thanks to: Felicia Rose and her "Can Do" attitude and dedication;Katharine Faust, EdM, J.D. for her publication "Know How";Christopher Mackle for his "Wizardry" for turning my pages into docx