The Reeves Corporation holds an economic monopoly on the penal colony Ojult, where it transports mystics, criminals, and those unlucky enough to find themselves under the boot of the Planetary Governing Union. Choosing the lesser of evils, a brokenhearted teenager, Jayden Vaut, falls into servitude with the Nein, a dark mystic guild responsible for millions of nonmystic deaths. The corporation's clandestine security force on Ojult, the Celje, rebel against their leaders, plunging the universal economy. Chaos engulfs the planet while Chief Executive Officer Elasus Reeves devises a plan for peace. In the shadows, the most powerful of mystics seek the extraordinary, but rare, Amurksi staff, that will all but guarantee control of the planet. Corrupt alliances among friends and enemies will determine the fate of all, but who will ultimately win?