What do you get when you take a young, naive, and curious teenager, who thought he knew it all, out from the guidance and care of his parents? Trouble Curiosity brought about rebellion as the mean, unforgiving streets of southeast Houston was too tempting and intriguing to not be a part of. Although Avery was taught correctly and was constantly warned about the dangers that lurked around the corners, he just had to see for himself just what all the fuss was about. The overprotection from his parents was unbearable, and the more that he saw guys from school in and around the neighborhood, the more he thought, "Well, if they can be out there, then I can too. How bad can it be?" It didn't take any time at all before the family-oriented, Christian-church boy image soon turned into a thuggish, hood-boy image. Still unaware of the detrimental impact that went along with this rebellious way of acting, the consequences of wanting this lifestyle came with a devastating price--prison
Here goes a young, lost, and aggravated teenager now about to be plunged into Texas's criminal justice system, having no idea of how to do time or what to expect next. Avery adopted to the street life. Now he reluctantly has to embrace life as a mean, yet fearful convict in prison. God help him