Before departing this world, Jesus gave His followers this charge, "Go and make disciples of all nations." This call is meant for every Jesus follower. Each of us is empowered by God to not just be a disciple, a noun, but to disciple others, a verb. Making passionate, effective disciples of Jesus is the God-given, best strategy for bringing the gospel to the world. Making disciples is a messy relational enterprise that is both challenging and costly. Embracing the term disciple as a verb is one of the most important, transformative, and joy-filled things you will do this side of heaven
If you believe these things to be true or are at least intrigued by these statements, I invite you to come explore what it looks like to make disciples of Jesus. If you care deeply about people but struggle to know how to support them in their spiritual growth and journey, this book is for you
I am not offering another program, activity, or curriculum but instead a window into what it means to live a lifestyle of discipleship, of helping others become more like Jesus. Whether you're a teacher, parent, coach, coworker, student, athlete, pastor, small group leader, or friend, we will discuss principles and practical tips for being an agent of spiritual change for those you love.
So again, I invite you to come along and discover how to bring radical transformation into the lives of those around you, by the awesome grace of God, the way Jesus did. By the end of this book, it is my sincere prayer that you know what a disciple of Jesus is, why you are called to make them, and how to start this adventure of answering Jesus's Commission to make disciples of all nations