Do you want a simple guide book to clarify Genesis creation and glorify Jesus Christ? This book lays out a simple road map for your journey of discovery. This logical series of clear and concise discussions will help you walk through a conversation with a loved one or any open-minded friend who has been misled by evolutionist confusion. Throughout the book you will find memorable quotes and humorous nuggets that will bring a smile to your face and a-ha moments to your heart.
Here is a step-by-step strategy to ask great questions leading to solid biblical answers. You know people, confused about creation in Genesis and a logical understanding of the origin of everything. Now you have not only facts of science but also a delightful way to help others grasp God's truth on the topic.
The introduction gives an amazing fact about the Bible. In "Why Should You Read This Book?" the author affirms that God invites us to challenge His Word by asking questions.
Ben Russell, author ( writes:
Dennis Petersen lays out a simple guide to clarify Genesis creation and glorify Jesus Christ. Even young students can easily follow this logical series of clear and concise discussions to walk loved ones through a conversation about how they have been misled by evolutionist confusion.
Each chapter begins with a question that leads to a clear conclusion.
Are you ready to discover the knowledge of God?