There once was a beautiful village in a valley between two great mountains. The village was full of all different types of people. The King, who created the village, wanted his people to love each other just as he loved them. He was a good and kind King, but the people did not know him. They disobeyed his rules, hurt their friends, and hated the village he had created for them to enjoy. Loving them, even though they rejected him, the King did not want to punish them for their disobedience. When he sacrificed his innocent Son to pay for their wrong deeds, they hated him even more and insisted that they could find happiness and contentment outside of the King's love. They ignored the very words that gave them life. Who would tell the broken people that the King had made a way for them to be healed? Who would tell the wandering villagers that the King had made a way for them to be saved? Who would be the King's watchman?