We all have good days, ok days, and horrific days. This is what we humans call, Life. One thing to be sure of is we can't always predict what will come our way. Unfortunately, life will throw us many diverse blows. Sometimes we are strong enough and can hold our ground and at other times we aren't and get knocked down.
What about the knockout blow? That blow that comes unexpectedly; or one that is expected, and it still knocks the wind out of you? Have you ever been in a place where you have felt like turning in the towel? Now you are on the ground wondering, can you catch your breath and rise again? You have now literally made a way of life out of living with the wind knocked out of you. You are living with it as opposed to facing it head on and conquering it.
If you are honest with yourself and can see your reflection in these very words, take a walk with the author through this book. It will begin to unfold the many adversities that mankind faces along with the questions of the heart, the difficulties of changing and some solutions that will maximize your changing process.