If you are a pastor of a church, then this book will aid in bringing a balance to your life to avoid burnout in your pastorage. As a pastor, you cannot afford to be so occupied during the week with secondary responsibilities and then do what we call a "Saturday night special." In this book, you will find proven methods that will shine light on the path that leads to a prepared preacher who is ready to mound the pulpit.
If you are an associate minister with a desire to one day be a pastor, then this book will give you some insights to what is involved in the life of a pastor. Pastoring is more than having an opportunity to preach every Sunday.
If you are a Sunday school teacher, then this book will equip you with steps to take as you seek to share with your students. In this book, you will find a structure to guide you through a given outline and to conclude if the topic is in agreement with the text. As you use this tool, you should see spiritual babies become matured in the Scriptures and in their walk with the Lord Jesus.