Like most people in the world, 2020 finds me in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Inspired by the Word of God and how God has something to say about every situation, I began to write seventy-five poems. It was February when the Holy Spirit prompted me to write God's Word in poetry, and needless to say, 2020 did not find me with nothing to do while in the house, wanting to follow the rules.
I have been saved, born again, for thirty-two years. I am a native-born Philadelphian and attend the Bethany Missionary Baptist Church. I love serving the Lord and serving people (i.e. Helping Hand Rescue Mission, women in prison, ushering, and more). My life verse is Matthew 5:16: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
While reading the first five verses in Joel 1, Wanda began to write.
Nothing like This Has Ever Happened Before
God gave a message to the prophet to say "listen," everyone
See what's happening all around while you are still having fun
It came upon the land quickly with a mighty and destructive force
Tell your children, everyone, everywhere has been thrown off course
Not in our time or your parent's time have we ever seen this before
We ask when will it end, how long can it go on each day more and more
Everyone, wake up including those who partied too hard and went to sleep
Cry out and mourn, like it or not, you're on the wagon, now it is time to weep
The virus will attack you no matter who you are, red, brown, black, or white
Take heed and realize the seriousness of the situation, we can't win this fight
All are closed, restaurants, gyms, malls, nail salons, barber shops, no relief
And with virtual doctor's appointments, we pray nothing happens to our teeth
We must seek to sense God's purpose for what is happening in the world today
Only the Holy Spirit can help us to know what we should do before it all slips away
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