The car came to a stop at the side of the road. How could I have gotten to such a low point in my life? In the pursuit of happiness and acceptance, I felt as if I had dug myself a murky pit and couldn't get out of it. The harder I tried, the deeper I seemed to sink. I was losing my mother, the only person I thought loved me for me.
There in the dark, I tried bargaining with God. Take me, God, and spare my mother. She has done so much for the church. She deserves to continue living. All I have done is destroy my life. What good am I? Why would you want someone like me? As soon as those words left my lips, the words that had been spoken to me by a prophet started sounding so clear in my mind. A warm, comforting feeling began to envelop me. The desperation was leaving me. I knew how I could contribute.
There in the dark, I found a way to give hope to all who didn't know how to find it.