5Pierce Everett had logged thousands of miles sailing the world's oceans with Whitetail, his faithful sailboat. His life had been an exciting and magical ride, spiced along the way with extraordinary people and places. But, when the 90's hit, markets crashed overnight, leaving Pierce struggling to survive. Fueled by financial desperation, Pierce and Whitetail became entangled in a chancy scheme smuggling 600 kilos of hashish over 8,000 tempestuous miles. Their journey would take them from the Rif Mountains of Morocco across the Atlantic Ocean to Thunderbolt, Georgia on the eastern coast of the US.
The ensuing ordeal presents a many faceted tale of trials and tribulations. incredible perseverance, and heartbreaking disappointments, all perfectly unbelievable, yet every word is true, every character real.
Through vignettes of his life growing up in the south in the 50's and 60's, the reader understands how Pierce honed his innate abilities, creating a cornucopia of tools and remedies always at his disposal. This adventure savoring memoir centers on one incredible life. In Pierces own words, You could say I'm wiser, but I'm not.