3Soap Craft Inspiration, a 200 page book with 190 handcrafted soap examples in full color all utilizing cold process soap dough.
Bhakti Bee Iyata brought soap dough to the foreground in 2016, since then the use of soap dough has sky rocketed around the world Handcrafted soaps are now made with soap dough world wide.
Bee has five published books on a unique topic: soap dough a moldable cold process soap. This book, Soap Craft Inspiration shows 190 unique soap creations made with soap dough; quality color photographs to enjoy as examples of what is possible with what was considered rustic, is now consider soap art.
See Bee's other published books:
An Enchanted Book Of Peculiar Ideas And Soap Potions includes soap dough recipes, insights and a creative path for all crafts.
A Soap Recipe Book Of Light and Shadow Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 each have tips and tricks, workbook style, a total of 20 dough / bar cold process soap recipes, charts and note pages all to help get organized and keep track of your inspirational ideas. Each book, once utilized, can be your personal book to pass on to the next generation of soap makers.
The Magic Of Soap Dough is Bee's opus to making, using and creating with soap dough, 24 soap mica colorant recipes and cold process soap recipes all containing insight to the soap dough world of amazing creations.