9Twilight in Saigon is an eclectic collection of short stories that crosses genre lines - war, crime, romance, espionage, science fiction, fantasy - as it moves in time from World War II through the present and into the distant future. Each story is interconnected through the common thread of humanity and love in the face of adversity.
Through this breathtaking collection of stories, readers will meet a journalist who finds love and misfortune during the upheaval of the Vietnam war. They will come across immigrants who are grappling with despair, love, and the vicissitudes of life in new surroundings. Despite the brevity of each story, they are layered with complexities, leaving much to be unpacked. There is politics, love, and tragedy. There is alien life, teenage romance, and a day in a dog's life. Get ready to dive into each story, vastly different in backdrop, but profoundly similar in overarching theme. Twilight in Saigon is a masterpiece of short story fiction.