Get ready to own the SAT!
The most surefire way to ace the SAT is to show up on exam day with calm confidence, ready to own the test. To do that, you need to prepare--you should know what to expect and plan accordingly. The SAT assesses what you've covered in high school, so the best way to prepare is with a systematic content refresher, some solid study strategies, and plenty of practice, practice, practice. The proven tools and techniques in SAT For Dummies help you do just that and get you ready to take - and take down - the SAT.
In a friendly, step-by-step style, SAT For Dummies goes beyond simply rehashing what you've learned (and forgotten!)
In school and applies your learning to the test itself, with examples for every question type, tips for answering questions quickly, advice on guessing, and pitfalls to avoid. The study questions and practice exams are designed to build your skills, identify areas that need extra work, and develop your confidence for the big day.
Succeeding on the SAT is like handling any other task--if you know what to do and get plenty of practice, you'll be fine. This book shows you how it's done.