In Taxes For Dummies, 2022 Edition, you'll get line-by-line advice and plan ahead strategies that take the fear and anxiety out of tax season and save you money now and in the months and years ahead. This completely updated edition includes detailed coverage of the numerous tax bills have passed in recent years. You'll learn everything you need to know to file your own taxes with confidence and intelligently plan year-round tax strategies.
In this book, you'll:
Taxes For Dummies, 2022 Edition is the perfect resource for any United States taxpayer planning to file their own 2021 taxes. Whether you're a first-time taxpayer, an expat filing from outside the US, or a seasoned veteran of tax season looking for the latest deductions and strategies to reduce your tax bill, this book is a must-read resource that'll transform how you think about taxes.
by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
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