A group of gifted kids must band together to save their town and a fantasy world from horror-story monsters come to life in Sarah Cannon's imaginative middle-grade novel, Twist...
Eli has a dream. He's going to be the next Stephen King, and he's just created his best monster yet Neha has a secret. Her notebook is filled with drawings of a fantasy world called Forest Creeks, and it's become inhabited by wonderful imaginary creatures. But her new friends are in danger . . . Court has a gift, both for finding trouble and for stopping it. And when she accidentally ends up with one of Neha's drawings, she quickly realizes that the monsters raiding Forest Creeks are coming from Eli's stories. When these three creative kids come together, they accidentally create a doorway from Forest Creeks into the real world, and now every monster that Eli ever imagined has been unleashed upon their town Praise for Sarah Cannon's Oddity: