5Avengers storytelling doesn't get much more dramatic than the tales in this Marvel Masterworks, as the disgraced Yellowjacket reaches rock bottom! Meanwhile, Earth's Mightiest Heroes join the Defenders to take on Nebula, and team with Drax the Destroyer in battle against -- Thor and Moondragon?! Two new members join the team (spoiler: it's She-Hulk and Hawkeye!), and the blustery bowman gets right into the action in a classic team-up with Scott Lang, the Ant-Man, against the Taskmaster! And the Black Knight shows up for a stirring two-part tale! Capping off this volume is the classic VISION AND THE SCARLET WITCH miniseries, where Vizh and Wanda's attempts at suburban bliss are rocked by deep revelations -- including the identity of Wanda's father!
COLLECTING: Avengers (1963) 217-226, Annual (1967) 11; Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) 1-4; material from Marvel Fanfare (1982) 3