lay fair, and he'll do just about anything to win!
The Spanish edition of Pig the Winner!Will Pig ever learn? He's an absolute cheat and quite the sore loser as well. But when Pig challenges his foot-long playmate, Trevor, to a kibble eating contest, he accidentally stuffs more than just food in his mouth. Lucky for Pig, Trevor knows what to do and saves the day!Young readers will love Blabey's irresistibly quirky illustrations that are paired with a relatable lesson about learning to play nice. For dog and pet lovers everywhere. Aprendera Chancho alguna vez? Es un tramposo y un mal perdedor. Pero, cuando Chancho reta a Tomas a ver quien come mas, accidentalmente termina metiendose algo mas que comida en la boca. Por suerte para Chancho, Tomas sabe que hacer!A los jovenes lectores les encantaran las extravagantes e irresistibles ilustraciones de Blabey que acompanan esta leccion sobre ser amables a la hora de jugar. Para los amantes de los animales en todos los lugares.