2At the age of 43, Brent Weatherly, married and a father of four in Bishop, GA, was diagnosed with colon cancer. Though Brent and his wife Kim initially hoped this diagnosis would be a mere blip in their lives, the battle stretched on when they were told that the cancer was advanced. In Two Stories, Brent, now 47, has shared the stories and lessons he has learned during a year-and-a-half period of his fight for life and the ways he has found hope and purpose within a difficult journey. The title of the book is inspired by the sermon "The Two Stories" by theologian and author, Frederick Buechner, who writes, "each of us has a tale to tell if we would only tell it." While each piece of this blog-turned-memoir provides an account of Brent's fight with cancer along with his faith journey (two stories), the real narrative of this book is how the small story of one person's physical and emotional trials can be a part of God's much larger story of spiritual restoration. And how, really, that is the true story for each of us.